

I have a confession
I have a confession, something you might not know
For it can be the reason that'll make you want to go

Everyday becomes a cold and silent hell for me
Maybe my silence can make our destiny meant to be

Maybe if I just try hard, they will take the bait
Maybe an angel might even try to change our fated mate

I dream of you mad, but I believe it to be a bluff
Hell, the mere thought of you leaving makes it even tough

I have a confession, but I don't want you to know
For it can be the reason that'll make your love for me blow

My hands trembled, tears threatened to fall
The anxiety began to crumble all my self-made wall

You should tell him, they say
But nothing made it easy for me to find a way

Those words that easily come out of their mouth
Those words that might give us a different route

They can say that because they didn't know the pain
They didn't know the memories that will go down the drain

The memories we made happily and together
The memories that will stay only as memories forever..
© @addxtedme