

[ Warning: this truth may (somehow) trigger, read at your own risk ]

Oh how it pleases you when the warm aroma of being regarded is served on your table. You indulge yourself with their sweet praises and greetings as they pour and stir on your cup the golden honey you didn't even ask for, yet I know deep within your soul it is something you are always craving for.

You wanted it. You loved it. Because without that, the warm brew they are giving you will seem to be bland to your taste.

You never want them to forget to add that luscious pungent ingredient for it feeds your hunger of being praised and revered.

You never wanted to perch yourself on a shabby squab for you want the best and honoured seat together with your other magnificos.

You wanted everyone to see your shammed modesty with your ostentatious robes and sparkling pearls and diamonds.

Hey, get down.

For your pride is like an iron mallet which can shatter into pieces that ceramic mug you're holding; holding it like how you're carrying yourself up, not wanting to get stained.

What you're drinking will drag you towards the nauseous taste of bitterness you abhor.

Step down.

Share with everyone the warm cups which are being always served to you.

And let them taste and see the golden honey of goodness you savor from life.

After all, life is not measured with the abundance of things he possess, may it be gifts or wealth.

Then He said, "Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own." Luke 12:1

© cristiana g.