

Raindrop’s Fate
A droplet, a celestial tear,
Falls from the heavens, a whisper of fear,
It journeys, a pilgrim, through air so serene,
To touch the earth, where secrets convene.

It dances, a phantom, a fleeting ballet,
A spiraling descent, a celestial ballet,
Does it caress the rocks, find solace in shade,
Or seep through the fissures, a mystery to be laid?

The earth breathes, a giant, a living, vast soul,
As the droplet descends, taking its toll,
It meets the compacted soil, a bed of repose,
The merging begins, a story that flows.

Within the soil's embrace, a tapestry unfolds,
A dance of the particles, a secret untold,
The droplet disperses, a sacrifice made,
A gift to the earth, its life is displayed.

It joins the unseen, the water that sleeps,
Beneath the surface, where nature keeps,
The promise of life, a cycle reborn,
A whispered caress, a new life is sworn.

The raindrop's fate, a mystery profound,
Lost in the earth, its essence is unbound,
A fleeting moment, a touch and a trace,
Yet its journey whispers, a timeless embrace.


© matthewwwebster