

Cynic simpers bout around her mouth, vindictive smiles flusters on the lines of her visage.

Importune scenarios, disappointments,and unrelenting snares of life to her quite boggling to envisage.

Bundle of gay,a fiery spark ignited by the slightest grows dim to a mere kindle.

Arcades of vague promises and vows extravaganza hyped under the guise of a mentalist swindle.

Feigns,rumours,and hoarded anguish gnashes her teeth with a binding vexed grit.

Relinquishing the compressed reckons an eternal plunge of a reclused pit.

The prim and proper lass lavishes in her tumult despair,a Hades of Paradise invites a waltz of tourettes.

A reapers verdict pertained to the coalition of deep water and an acerbic serum concocts the lethal amidst clanking uncalibrated burettes.

Reluctance, a preconception excel to evade tracing the seducing ventriloquism of the simpletons delight.

Undettered schemes of mischief amid august revolutions of corrupted fates should make thee contrite.

Is there a pinch of worth garnered upon her by all the lots or just a trivial superficial fondness?

Cowards enthralled by the intoxication of fear and bear churns such revolting callousness.

A Noah amongst the Canaanites I fostered my habitation on hardwood only to be devastated by tempestuous derision.

An apparition of the desolate vampires partakes a hound of thou with such parasitic precision.

Pent up bravado and parading galls by thou in the limelight now cower in the cave of the hermit.

Poised in thy soliloquy, the perverted predator hallucinates thou with promiscuous obscenities without a consented permit.

Gullible to the magnificent repercussions, the incorrigible men luxuriate in retarded rhetorics and bland conversations frivolously.

Magnanimous currencies, exorbitant treasures and opulence of masochistic men intent to sway a maidens conformity betray mercilessly.

Sphered within the diverse destinations of the universe,a matrix ordinary of delusions seems the accustomed right.

Divulging the open secrets and partial truths invokes contemptuous snares,an incredible quest of a revolution by the enduring blade of a just knight.

© @Opoku Francisca