

Every time when you come, you look for me,
Calling my name with an urgency so bold,
You're stubborn, determined to see me,
No matter the obstacles that unfold.

Your name alone makes me blush,
A rosy hue that spreads across my face,
And your smile, oh God! I'm shy,
A radiant warmth that brings me grace.

Your eyes, when they gaze upon me,
Speak volumes without uttering a word,
They reveal your desires and dreams,
In a language only our hearts have heard.

Each time you call out my name,
I see you standing there, so true,
Your eyes, they say what you want to say,
And that smile of yours, it makes me anew.

Enough to make me blush and hide,
To retreat into the depths of my soul,
Making me shy, yet longing for more,
For your love has taken its toll.

I wait with bated breath every time,
For you to come and call out my name,
My lover, my soul's eternal flame,
Together, our hearts forever aflame.
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