

The Innocent Strong Souls
The days were unending as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But there seemed no hope in sight…
What once was an active soul, ignited
Lies here, on the deathbed.
The beautiful aroma too
Of the once fresh soul, much awaited-
Now leaves off abruptly, too.

Alas! All were left off, unto shock,
For the soul now neared its summit!
The once curable phase, now amok- Rampantly rushes to reach its zenith.
Opened have the eyes, terribly late
Leaving the young infants' soul-
To proceed on with its fate.

From a mild icterus did it initiate,
Proceeded adamantly to its peak.
That if once, had got hold on unto-
Spared the lively soul, now a streak.
The crucial phase just ricocheted off,
With the sensitive areas injured.
From icterus to coma, concluded off,
The hard truth-demise declared.

Open those Eyes! To the sooth,
Grab hold of the dysfunctions
Before summoning to the hard truth
As cure lies next to prevention.
Help the helpless, passion engraved!
Light the beam of knowledge unto all,
For an innocent life saved-
Is a Gift to humanity, eternal!


© Dr Nida Fathima