

In the depths of my heart
I have loved you countless times
From the moment you were planted
Until the moment you began to grow
Through the journey of love
I have discovered you
Small like a mustard seed
Yet mighty in my hands, like the Philistine's giant
I have eagerly awaited the moments
When we would walk together
Down a street filled with love
And now, holding your hand
Walking with the one I cherish so deeply
You truly own my heart, my dearest one

I'm now tittled father,
As hollow my manhood at good use
Your presence brings nothing but smiles
A pure heart you carry
Filled with true promises,
A sweet voice that allure attention,
Each time you weave and pleat stories,
Here and there recalling every adventure,
As you stand a life mirror
I carry unconditional love for you
You're the priority I yearn for

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