

A wave of Ectasy
₩Crashing, weaving and barely being able to breath₩
₩That's how it felt chucked around inside a whirlpool of disaster₩
₩No escape no where to run at that point my whole leave became upheaved₩
₩many left a new by this revelation,not seeing the light until it was to late reversing I'm the idea they were the caster₩

₩But slowly as It all came to be like a splash if water on a sunny day or a bee sting when smelling a plant₩
₩ I saw and looked around to the idea that I myself had been the one₩
₩ Agonisingly the wheel times said so and moved forward without a place for myself no longer being able to replant₩
₩ That's when it came to be a ocean of transparency₩
₩So clear it would stretch on for miles at a time no boundaries and limits to garner just pure Ectasy₩
© ALEX223