

The Heart
Have I really made choices in life?
Well, if I said yes then I'd be lyin'
The truth is I don't remember the last time I did things for my own satisfaction
I'd let my heart steal my thunder because it has got its needs and wants
I'd let myself believe that whatever my heart thirst for is what I needed to feed on, knowing that missing pieces will be found and broken glasses could mend
What I don't know is that I've been cheated by it dozens of times and I never even realized
I was a fool to think what my heart aches for is where happiness always lies and this is why I fall down easily
I'm like lil' things blown with the wind hoping it'll take me somewhere far beyond the clouds
But the truth is I don't even know where I'm standing right now
So don't let your heart fool you by making you believe that you amount to something your not worthy of
Ofcourse the heart makes mistakes. It owns a small fraction of your body which means they're human too
Make your own choices, choose what the heart needs and not what it wants because deep down you know who you really are and what your worth for.
© kennydondor