

#WritcoPoemPrompt49 @AtulPurohit
The days of slate and chalk,
Are not easy to erase,
They hold memories,
Of my childhood,
I drew pictures of houses
with four windows
with a door in the middle
i always drew a garden with flowers
that was always yellow
with a sunshine stuck in the corner of the pavement my door would always be purple
but yes there was always the house
then there would be a tree
with a owl sitting on a branch
or there would be a game of hop scotch with the numbers to twelve
drawed in a pattern
of colour
playing with your friends
throwing a small stone to get your lucky number
because for some reason
there was a lucky number
laughing playing and jumping
until your tiny ankles had enough
this was what you calll zen
way back then
we was ritch if we had some chalks
for sure some kids were ritch
some kids were poor
but gratful
landscape with a few high hills
imagining rolling down the beautiful
green grass we had hills by me so as a child you roll down them with class .
but yes hills and lanscapes on pavements or a game of arrows we named it back then with two groups of children
with two diffent colour chalks one group went on there way writing messages on the street floors ... the other group give them fifteen minutes or so ...
then we was all off on a treasure hunt of messages of happiness on the go ....
directing you and making you laugh
kids laughter like a happy ever after
chalk as a kid .....writing out a grid of blind mans buff
learning how to spell
to so you was chuffed
playing noughts
and crosses
colouring in love hearts
of you and your best mates
making rainbows
of colour on pavements
is the best
chalk is fun fun fun
every child in play should discover some.
creating pictures and memorys
with chalk is a must
love these memorys
that have just popped up
thankyou ❤❤🙏💕

© amanda ajobrien