

Writco Writing Prompt#43
Let's see I think I will teach everyone a simple task,One we take for granted ,Like drinking from a glass.If you find that drinking from a glass is nothing new.No better time to give yourself a quick review.We will start by having the desire to fill a cup,That would surely entail you sitting properly straight up.Assuming that your sitting flatly on your ass, With your feet in front of you,That's it!You catch on fast!.Now moving right along Cuz I know your thirst is strong.Reaching your arm out to grapple up your cup.
Oh that means grip.,Now I think your ready to give yourself a sip."But hold on just a minute"!!!I think there's something I've forgotten.Hmmm.lets see We could start again,That would be rotten.This part might sound scary,But bring the cup right to your lips part them just enough that the top of the cup fits.Now tilt your head slightly back right at the same time.The liquid should slide right down,Your doin fine.,Swallow slowly letting your taste buds soak in what your drinking,Roll your tounge around a lil bit ,Now your thinking.....Repeat the drill as many times as needed.