

I Salute You.
You walked the path with grace and humility, unmoved by contrary winds, as you navigated rough pathways and wrestled tough decisions.
The path of service was never laced with petals of roses and carnations, yet you paved a path, for which you will be saluted.Yes! a rather honourable salute, as you stood resolute as the 'beacon of hope'.As time now recounts the lessons of accountability, professionalism, effective communication, efficiency in service,wit and effervescence, we salute you, our Nanny of the Era.
As our warrior,you were resilient and intentional,with grandiose perspectives, copious faith and a voice that echoed positivity,courage and determination.
As you walked through the Valley of Decisons' ,you relied on the strength of an immutable God,you trusted His prominence, as you spoke with authority and affection. Innocent boys and girls gladly received the 'tablets of loyalty, integrity, self- reliance ,hardwork and dignity, that you administered daily.Like a caring Doctor, you assessed emotional thermometers , ensuring that those for whom you were responsible, reflected Godly character.
Parting is never easy, but be assured that you have constructed 'pillars of excellence', that will remain unshakeable,through the annals of time.

God Be With You ....Our Warrior!