

The lonely road
People criticized me for what I did and for whom I was .
It bothers and i'm shaken.
Not because of who i'am but
The nightmares that I faced, it's even more darker than the midnight.
I wanna live like those birds chirping in the morning ,
Who brought a peaceful feelings and a day.
Yet I live like those cacti in a desert
Far from home
N everyone ..
I do wanna Walk comfortably ...I don't wanna kneel down anymore.
Days are passing by,
1 o'clock to 12o'clock it's just a number of time
Yet it always run back to the old me
So the mistake that I have made yesterday reflects back to my present
I wish this ... isn't how the world works..!
At the end I'm all alone in this road.
When I'm gone,
Do tell me I did it great for the pain that I have been taking alone or
Will I be remembered as the me of yesterday?

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