

A Little Gift from Heaven
I can't express the refreshing sweetness
Of seeing your face, you fill my heart with so much joy, excitement and fullness.
The way your eyes light up when you see me, you run over anything that's in your way.
It's real the love we share, you make me laugh, you brighten my day.
You run into my arms saying grandma grandma and with both arms out to hug me as tight as you can.
You are my grandson I love you without a doubt, you are special to me I can feel your love I can see your face there is no one to ever take your place.
I could not of asked for such a gentle, caring and lovable little human being, you are God's gift to me.
Your silly little faces when you look at me, your hugs are tight as can be.
You share your ice cream, you hold my hand tight when we walk across the street and say ease for please.
You like Grandma's chair to make it spin or rock, you wait in that chair for me to hold you until you sleep.
Daniel you are my gift from heaven, you are Grandma's pride and joy you are the light of my life.
Your love for me is genuine that's so easy to see, the warmth you give can not be bought.
You fill my heart with all you got.
© loopen#allseven