

thE wOrmS eAt yoU
you caNt brEathE
yoU deCay to bonEs
mAybe GoD wIll coMe
tHe eArth iS cOlD
thE rooTs enTer youRe skuLl
mAybe JeSus wIll hEar youRe sPiriT iN thE loNesoMe voId
iT mUst bE hEll iN youRe hEad
tHe onLy voIce
thE only rEsponCe tO youReseLf
fOrevEr oNly yoU iN youRe boNes,
tIll KIngdoM coMe
iN thE sOliCe pUrgaTorY oF death,
unTIl deAth aGain
As sO deAth aS sO bIrtH
aS sO bIrtH As sO dEath
uNtIll eTernal eNd
tHe hEad lAtcheS tO thE nEcK
Sap rEturNs tO tHe cElls
thE cLotheS rEaseMble
yOu aRe iN hEavEn

this does not correspond to the truth,
but it makes me wonder...