

The story of a heart.
The enchanted breezes
Whispers, in a lonesome
Moon light, the streetlight
And the darkness all have a
Story to knight.

The story of a heart,
Who has never been in love
Or who has never been loved ?

This heart has a lot of scars
That it hides, and
The moon listens to her
Stories every night.

And when it's almost the
Crack of dawn,
And it's the first ray of sunshine
The heart daydream about the
Love, that paints the night skies

She finally met her perfect one,
With big black eyes,
And in those eyes she
found the constellations, the words
rhyme & rhythm
He held her hand
With each step she took,
She fell in love more every day.
And his love,
turned her into poetry
Not with a perfect rhythm
Or rhyme,
But with a perfect verse
He became her, muse,
And she became, his writer.

Your love is like a moonlight
Although far away from me
But still it keeps burning bright
like a star it keeps twinkling
In the midst of the night
Its presence adds the glory
In the darkest of my times.

© alpha Stella