

Amidst the Stones!
Crunching beneath dem soles o' ma shoes,
Blurring deeply are the flowery hues,
Throwing aloof ma dreamy muse,
Coming ahead b dem faceless clues.

Chirping birds b hardly close,
Weird n scary d new day rose,
Stuck in d web ma breath goes,
Within d heart ma blood froze.

Rustle o' dem bushes made me jump,
Pressing ma throat b a large heavy lump,
Massive n rough lyk d camel's hump,
Thick n blurry b d darkest clump.

Wary o' dem mirrors me wna walk away,
Huggn' ma body dem cool winds sway,
Hardly able 2 sense b it night or day,
Sprawled o'er d wide n Sandy bay.

© Tullu90