

"That only almighty."
That only almighty, the other name of love....

Illustrious, for always, bestowering his devoted hands, over all its beings, whether it is any animal, human or insect.....

All are one and the same in his vigilance, as he never descriminates, one for the other....

He is the fountain, from where a peculiar kind of purity flows, without any condition, without any shape and without any expectations .....

He is synonamaus and the other form of nature's hand, from whom we can communicates our needs, our desires, our curiosity and what not!

He is here, to teach as the goodness of as sweet as honey, which includes, numerous of countless assumptions and qualities, like that of: Benevolence, compassion, kind heartedness, where, where no boundaries of ego, exists ......

What only prevails at the end is, love, a kind of unblended, and unmixed affection, for one and all!

That what that almighty, really is .....)

© Dev1996bu