

Pain is Love
Love is strong, tho it's weak,
Weak to see the strength of my love,
for you, you seek they love,
but to see you hurt, is to see me weap.
What is this love, I feel for you,
like my heart begin to sink, as it sinks my soul gets darker,
what is this weakness, I've never felt,
or is it weakness that brings me strength?
I don't know which is what, but this feeling I feel is pain and worry
Worried to never be able to be, worried to feel like this always.
Never want to see you cry or weap, so I fight for your heart daily so we can be.
The beginning is now my love, for monsters like him always die along.
You deserve more than a beast like him.
Come to me, so we shall Love in matrimony and be what we know is true.
So now I wait for you to be, I will not make you choose him or me,
but if we are meant to be, than my heart and soul is yours always.

© Inspiration & Motivation

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