

[ When The Light Goes Out ]
When the light goes out
The pupil gets bigger
Window to the soul
Celestial vigor
Blinking in the void
Eyes in the abyss
Left in the darkness
When vision is eclipsed

Past-life fading
When the light goes out
World disappears
Existence in a doubt
Eyes once searching
Losing all account
Till the mind paints a picture
For it cannot do without

Trying to remember
Cannot quite recall
When the light goes out
You lose all your resolve
World disfigured
In a moment of withdrawal
Memory’s creation
Leaving you appalled

Who am I really
What am I about
Am I still beautiful
When the light goes out
Is there a place for me
A place that I’m allowed
When the world disappears
And no one is around

Now I’m cast in fear
But not of the darkness
Identity retracing
No visible, to harness
When the light goes out
Why do I feel heartless
Abandoned to the soul
Am I nothing but a carcass

Mind over matter
Yet both of them in doubt
Am I a god of nothing
Foolishly devout
Worshipping with fervor
When the light goes out
Crafting a salvation
As I cannot live without

Buried in a tomb
Underneath the earth
Trapped within a womb
Dying to be birthed
'Fuk , I’m going crazy
None of this occurred
When the light goes out
How then can I observe

Identity in question
Meaning, in a drought
No one here to save me
Enlightened, no amount
Meditate oblivion
The hell I would allow
I just, really miss love
When the light goes out

© HeartOfBabel

#HeartOfBabel #Babel #garatheDen
#Introspection #Reflection
#Existence #Identity #Reality #Purpose