

Perfect success- a bit imperfect
Thousand turns,
unwanted challenges,
repeated practice,
and prolonged hungerness of achieving your dream.
Night outs not to enjoy but to achieve your daily target,
broken sleep but you have to do it to succeed your own way.
Distracting mind,
stupid thoughts,
scattered soul
dedicated hardwork,
and unbearable truthful pain
just for one reason- "future embrace"
ups and downs,
failures no doubt,
but still the inner voice telling us to aim high,
to work harder to make a story without a sigh.
Higher is the aim, narrower is the path,
perfect success involves hurdles, pebbles, volcanoes, disasters and what not.
10 people to demotivate you,
10 to kick you out,
100 to compete and 1000 to slap you down,
remember 'you' are only one to help whenever you want,
this world is fake,
your good for someone will always turn out bad.
Selfless behavior of yours will no doubt harvest you good one day,
but don't expect anyone to be your around in your defeated game.
Perfect success is all about your imperfections,
your imperfect decisions you made in past,
and loving your imperfect me.
Best wishes 💖
© Sanskruti Jiwankar