

A Lovely Poem For Her Birthday
Like a rose, you blossom and flourish,
Your beauty, a wonder and treasure to nourish.
Your petals of grace, and scent of kindness,
Makes one dances and signs sweet melodies.
I'm delighted it's your day today,
And I'm humble to watch your beauty shine through.

Like a glaring gardener tends,
To a precious rose in bloom,
Forever you will radiate and glow.
Through life's joys and challenges,
In all weather and every storm,
You will flourish, like a rose at its best.

To this beautiful end my darling,
I wish you everything your heart desires,
A successful career life, good health,
A happy home, and a peaceful mind.
You're always in my prayers my love.
And today I pray God grant your wishes.

Stay happy and beautiful for me
Enjoy your day, my special someone
I celebrate you greatly 🎉🎉
I love you always😘😘😘
Infinite birthday blessings better half 💜

Dum Simon Delox is a prolific writer, author and poet. Follow Him For More...
© Dum Simon Delox