

love...or lack of thereof
One time I heard in the bus while I was commuting
You see those young people?They are less young and fresh than you and I .... there is no sparkle in their eyes and there is less life in their bodies and mind...
There were only a young girl and boy.... better looking than those old bats
But truth was there- age is but a number
And when you're only 20 years old and a 70 something year old is having a more energetic life and mindset than you do you start questioning
What is wrong with me?
And the answer is simple:
Fear of falling in love,fear even to have someone to love
because you do not feel good enough
Fear to let yourself be vulnerable for once in your predetermined life
When you have dreams for to be something different than what your parents planned for you....
And you never even dared say No,I don't want your dreams,they are not mine,these were never my plans for studying this....
And there sneaks in the fear of rejection...even of your own parents- you don't do as we say,you are not worthy of our love....
So my conclusion is - Love Yourself, no one would do it for you
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