

The Art Of War
In the land of war, where bombs doth fall,
And bullets fly like birds of prey on call.
The cries of wounded and dying fill the air,
As death and destruction spread without care.

The fields, once green, now painted red,
As soldiers fall, like leaves from trees that shed.
Families torn apart, their homes destroyed,
As war ravages, like a beast deployed.

Eyes once bright, now haunted and hollow,
As the weight of war takes its toll and follows.
The spark of hope, a distant memory,
As the winds of destruction rage with fury.

In trenches deep, where life is lost,
And innocence pays the ultimate cost.
The war drums beat a never-ending sound,
As blood stains, the fields and bodies lie on the ground.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, a voice screams,
A plea for peace, to end the war's wicked schemes.
But in the land of war, justice is a rare sight,
As the darkness of hate consumes the light.

Innocents caught in the crossfire, like lambs to the slaughter,
Their lives snuffed out, without a second thought, nor a daughter.
Families ripped apart, dreams shattered in the blink of an eye,
As the armies marched on, their hearts stone-cold and their souls gawry.

For in the land of war, there's only the sound of despair,
And the constant reminder, that nobody is fair.
But perhaps one day, the war will come to an end,
And the world will rise, from the ashes to mend.

Until then, we bear the burden, and carry the weight,
Of the loss and the sorrow, in this never-ending spate.
For in the end, it's not the sword that will win,
But love and compassion, that will conquer sin.

© Plasmagrapes