

I'm a youth
I'm going to be a father
I'm a brother
I'm going to be a lover
I'm a cousin
I'm going to be an uncle
I'm a nephew
But I'll soon be a grandfather
I can't be anything if I'm killed for living
I can't see the future when it's clouded with the teargas being shot at me
I can't feel my legs when they've been cut off from the rest of my body
I can't be rich when my source of income has been stolen away by the government
I can't be creative when the people in power want money and not talent
I can't be a fighter when they attack us for defending our rights
I can't be a leader when "they" have been in power since before I was born
I can't be a killer because there are laws against that which they do not live by, but I do
I have no power of my own
But together we do
Remember that french revolution?
It looked horrific when I read about it in school
But right now, I feel that it's the only justice we'll ever get if nothing is done
I hope it doesn't come to that
I hope I get to live life to the fullest
I pray all the souls that have been lost find closures
And I pray the youths take over the country and lead the nation into prosperity

© michealachonye