

Never knew how to wish everyone a happy friendship day today,
After recognising their real faces.
There were those sweetest days when there was a tradition of tieing friendship belts,
And we began to look for the special ones with whom you are wishing to tie the friendship belts.
Saw some hands with full of belts,
when I used to think how favourable luck is to them.
Also saw these same groups being extinguished after college days,
May be because of trust issues
they are not being together.
Those belts rusted with times due to lack of acceptance.
Believed in true friendship
May be not in groups but with a few people with whom I can be myself entirely,
Where I can be free and let them free too.
Wanted to be rainbow in someone's life,
Accepting them, the way they are,
I believe they practice the same with me too.
But it's about time...