

//over the lapse of time//
The time concludes it all lil bit or much
even if it was so close to you or not, it's all ultimately a fuss
legacy of time won't pause either for you or me
only if we would've possessed time machine, we would've loved to flee.

whatever we wanted back then now we hardly pay heed to it today, ain't it?
maybe those days were really so lit
Although who gives a damn, our directions changed
for all the happy consequences & Miserable shits, universe is to be blamed.

Although universe knows the right time,
it teaches us there's nothing here called "long-lasting"
The dictionary just over emphasises the word
here in this world, nothing is just too admirable or shallow, it's all just pretty weird.

Life would go on without anyone of us even if we belong to some special crew
Eyes would witness what heart would've went through
The evening would happily watch the sun set in vivid hill
Taking everything on heart won't lead you nowhere so we just gotta chill.