

The Grind The Grind
The Monday thru Wednesday grind.
Never get a chance to. unwind.
Drop of dime
Hear the chimes
Jib jab jive
break out in a nasty hives.
Scratch attack
Ugly itchy rash.
Splash in the pool.
This is cool.
Break from the norm.
The never ending chronic storm,
that rains these days
funky fresh
Make it a double
double the trouble.
Heads are in a huddle
wish the play call was for us to cuddle.
No sweat.
It will be over soon.
Then recoupe and recover.
I'd rather have a V-8 instead of whatever
with the attitude
no gratitude.
Maybe another time.
Hate to have to pass,
This is not a blast but more like a waste.
Like paste it's dry and hard.
Next time I'll look both ways before I enter the zone of the grind.
