

A stolen morsel more precious than gold,
A stolen shirt to keep out the cold.

There is no price to hunger,
There is no price to shelter.

There is no price to kindness,
There is no price to uneasiness.

There's no way out to insufficiency,
No work, no wealth, no prosperity.

Blank eyes with blank pocket gazing at the sky
With no tears left to cry.

Lost muscular power left with just skinny arm,
Having no protection from harm.

Eyes always in search of food,
Condition being bleak and rude.

Day in day out sufferance with no permanent place to sleep,
I have no one to care, for which I always weep.

Bins being the source of food, streets are often my beds,
Begging being only source of income, often dreaming of houses covering my head.

I hope one day God will rescue me,
From this evil bondage of poverty.
© divi