

We embark on a path, winding and long
With each step, a story unfolds, a song
We learn to walk, to run, to fall and rise
And with each rise, our hearts open wide

We meet strangers, who become friends and guides
Who teach us to love, to laugh, and to hide
Our fears and doubts, like shadows in the night
But love shines bright, a beacon in sight

We discover our strengths, our passions, our fire
And learn to embrace our flaws, our heart's desire
We find our voice, our purpose, our way
And love leads us forward, come what may

Through trials and tribulations, we grow
Through joy and sorrow, our hearts glow
We learn to forgive, to let go, to heal
And love remains, a constant, a real

So let us cherish love, this precious gem
This force that moves us, this heart that beats within
For love is the journey, the destination too
The greatest teacher, the greatest truth.
© Gifted hands