

🌸 Good things take time 🌸
He watched every single sunrise,
As though it was his very first
Like through the grey light of the dawn
Golden fireworks burst.
That one could turn his dull world gold
So he set all of his gazes
On where the earth greeted the sky
He left things he'd loved
And bid his past a quick goodbye.
So sure was he that the horizon
Would have all he'd ever need,
Just as soon as he had reached it
From his burdens, he'd be freed.
In the depths of the night,
he found the place he'd seen the sun rises
And there he waited for its light
To come engulfed his darkest skies.
As the dawn of light came,
A golden tint coloured his world
And the hand truth slowly unfurled
He can't bet on race horizon alone
In the finds beyond each finish line
There is another one.
Soft cold wind cups around his hands
Pushed him ahead with a fondness
Whispering to him,
Good things take time.

~Janhavi M. N🌻

© Janhavi M. Nivendkar🌻