

toooo many things are going awry
too many things are zooming around
i close my eyes and all I can hear
are my thoughts echoing in my ears.

i can't tune them out
they find me no matter
I need help and shout
but everything's a clatter.

I don't know what to do
are they demons to haunt me, me too???

And yet
you text me

this is STUPID I know
but these demons then scatter
where they go, I don't know

but you keep me waiting for so long
I can't have myself rely on you
it wouldn't be right - it's wrong!

i need another way
I need to live my days

and yet I'm bound to school work
and working out
and people in my phone but not my line of sight

why is it when you text me, they scatter?
why does my heart skip a beat -
does this matter??

do you even think of me like this
I have so many conflicting emotions
what the fuck is going amiss

I need a look inside my brain
righten a few things
maybe it's the strain and the stress and the rest - you know the fucking game

If life's a game
I'm in a losing streak
first my best friends
now this
well that's just fucking neat.
© WyldChyld