

Happy World!!!
Why is to so bad? why is it so hard?
I could take another break.
I fall asleep on the way back home.

Why is it so hard? Why is it so bad?
I keep calling my name from so far.
Why can't I reach to the shores,
while I keep swimming towards the happy world.

Why is it so bad, why is it so sad?
I keep getting into the deepest sides of the ocean.
It gets darker and darker down.
Deep pressure inside is breaking me down.

Why is it so hard? Why is it so bad?
The happy world seems so far.

Why is it so cold? Why am I too bold?
Society will strip me down with those hungry eyes,
I guess no one hears the screams.

Why am I too sore? Why am I too bored?
Did I wake you up from the sugary dreams?

Why is it so hard? Why is it so bad?
The happy world seems so far.


© madhurin.vidhate