

The birth giver
She can be the light for the dark,
She is the abundance for all the scarce,
She is everything for the nothing,
She is the answer for all the questions,
She is the praise that no one can blame,
Because She is the birth giver.

She is the ajar for the closed,
She is not meek but, bold,
She is possibility for all impossibility,
She is the calm for all the windy,
She is the bless but not the curse,
Because She is the birth giver.

She is boundless for all the limited,
She is present for all abesnt,
She is clear for all the opaque covered,
She is the rare in all of the common held here,
She isn't careless, but, careful,
Because She is the birth giver.

She is cheerful when all is dreary,
She is the fortunate for all the unfortunateand needy,
She is the beginning for all the ending,
She is the hope for the despair,
She is the growth even when all is shrinking,
Because She is the birth giver

Her love is immense even for the tiny,
Her love is zenith for all the nadir ,
Her life is visible even for invisible,
Her love is collective when everything in her is scattered,
Because She is the birth giver.

She is prudent for all imprudent,
She is the help for all the hindering,
She is the bright when all is fading,
She can be lenient but, also strict,
Because She is the birth giver.

She ain't weakness but the strength,
She ain't impatient but always patient ,
That is the reason you are here,
She ain't always rude but always courtegeous,
Because She is your birth giver.

Respect her in the way She deserves,
Because She is the reason you are here.


Love you lots and lots mumma!!