

...Sunny Lion
...in memory of my friend Maria.
She was cruelly murdered in 2011.
I don't know, is there anyone in this world, who still remember her and think about her, but I am and, with this poem I just want the world ro know, that once there was living a girl, called Maria, and she was beautiful, young teen with her dreams, innocent and kind-hearted...
In 2011 she was raped and killed...
Murderer was arrested soon, but this wasn't turn her back to life.
Now she only lives in my head so, I want her to live in this song too...
Her nickname was Sunny Lion...


Do you hear me, Sunny Lion,
Somewhere there, among the stars?
I still won't believe you're died
And so many years've been passed...
Want you know, you are still living
In my memories, in my head.
Time deals all and time is healing,
All, besides, that you are dead.

World should know, that you existed,
Pretty, tiny, little shy,
Airy-fairy, dreamy wizard,
Open-minded starry-eyed.

Your purest shell, which you lived in,
Trampled by beast in a man's skin -
Rubbish scum, who stole your life
And your bright-light sight fade in your eyes.

Why we cannot turn back time?
Why we cannot get back life to start over?
I won't leave this all behind -
Keeping you in mind is my sacred burden.

Is there any better world besides?
And if it exists, are you there well and alive?
Am I last, who mentioned of your life?
Am I last, who witnessed you, my dear Sunny Lion?

Do you hear me, Sunny Lion,
Somewhere there, among the stars?
I still won't believe you're died
And so many years've been passed...
There's no words replace your absence
Or will bring you back to life,
I just want your purest innocence
Be forever carved in time...

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