

Brain VS Me
#Your feedback Won't make me  fall back.
Sitting al desko
Playing sudoku 
Bored , frustrated
I'm in a Hot potato!
I can't go along with any  decision concerning any intention
Lifeless emotions
Still , dominating inspiration
Brain wants my approval to begin a conversation
Hey stranger ,
Here is a blank sheet of paper
Rub onto it either with a pen or a Pencil
A penny for your thoughts Pencil Warrior 
A cut-throat self-competition
Are you a brave competitor ?
Are you up for pursuing the reader ?
That reading is worth consumin?
That you are eager to be an idol not a dime a dozen ?

So :
You Need  Knowledge Assistance
Then ,
You ought to Get My Maintenance
To make :
Your Wiriting resemble A Magic
Cool And fantastic
Mysterious Not  Obvious
Meticulous  but Not Hilarious

Hey Stranger ,
A Tip To Mention
That Writin if i'm not mistaken is A Paaassion
Divided into Words
Whose subdivisions Are  Alphaaabet
With writing, you can be Against The Grain
Writing Evaporates lukewarm Depression Liquid
That's Circulating All Along in Each Vein,
Compiled steam By me into Glammerous Words Falling liKe A Heavy Rain
At That Moment ,
You Bested Your Opponent which is Pain
You showed The Opposite that is Gain
And Everybody is Endorsing Your Work :
That's Insane !

That's why:
You  Need Knowledge  Assistance
You  Ought to Get my maintenance
To Make :
Your writing resemble A magic
cool and  Fantastic
Mysterious not Obvious
Meticulous but  Not Hilarious

Yes Brain , you stuck to the Point
Writing is a god-gifted Talent
I'm lyrically fit and Grammatically Fluent
Arrogant ? No  I can'T Flaunt it 
Not cock and Bull Story
perhaps I Should Admit it
No It's A Reticence
Illuminated Through A Piece Of Writing
Yes Brain
You are the ideas machine
I'm The Typing machine
Let's Leave A Message
Whether is read (Red) or Seen
Nevermind ,
I just wanna make my conscience clear
How ?

That's why #:
I Need Knowledge  Assistance
I Ought to Get your  maintenance
To Make :
My writing resemble A magic
cool and Fantastic
Mysterious not Obvious
Meticulous but Not Hilarious

© #StrikeByPen