

British 🇬🇧Empire

In realms where sun did never set,
An empire vast, its borders met.
From ancient lands to ocean's tide,
Its influence spread both far and wide.

With sails unfurled and compass true,
Adventurers sought horizons new.
A legacy of trade and might,
Of cultures mingled, dark and bright.

In bustling ports and quiet fields,
Rich history and wealth it yields.
Yet shadows fall on paths once tread,
Of lives entwined, of blood once shed.

For power's tale is wrought with strife,
With conquests bold, and loss of life.
An empire's rise, a complex song,
Of right and wrong, both weak and strong.

From London’s heart to distant shore,
The British flag did proudly soar.
Yet time moves on, and empires fade,
Their echoes in the past now laid.

Reflect we must on glory past,
On lessons learned, to make them last.
For in our hearts and minds we'll find.

Poem dedicated to Queen Elizabeth II:

In regal grace and sovereign light,
You stood as a beacon, steadfast and bright.
Through decades long, with steady hand,
You led with wisdom, graced this land.

From youthful dawn to twilight's glow,
Your spirit shone, did ever grow.
Through trials faced and triumphs won,
Your legacy, a lasting one.

A queen of hearts, a nation's pride,
With duty's call, you did abide.
In memories etched, in history's page,
Your reign endures, from age to age.

Elizabeth, our noble queen,
In you, true majesty was seen.
Forevermore, your name will ring,
A timeless tale, of which we sing.