


I see it clearly and not at all
The clearing in a forest meadow
Where even the trees echo our hellos
A duo of poetic voices
Making together important choices

I see it clearly and not at all
The rapture of our conversation
Entwining ideas
Over our animated faces

I see it clearly and not at all
Long walks in the cool autumn air
Growing compassion, mutual care
Comfy quiet and long restful nights

I see it clearly and not at all
I see how I so lovingly fall
Into the graceful lullaby of swaying in your arms

I see it clearly and not at all
The crash and downfall of a life
Spent alone
Your pull me out and make your soul my home

I see it clearly
Yet I don’t see you
I’m still waiting for a close up view
An introduction, a how do you do

I see it clearly
In my soul
A knowing
That I trust you
To know
So until we meet
I see it clearly and not at all

© Fatima