

Whispers of Kindness
In a world of rushing, racing time,
A gentle touch, a word sublime,
Can soothe the weary, mend the frayed,
And light the path where shadows played.

A smile bestowed without a thought,
A gift of care, unasked, unsought,
Transforms the day, a sunbeam’s grace,
In every heart, it finds a place.

Through whispered winds and open skies,
In acts unseen by human eyes,
Kindness weaves its tender thread,
In every soul, its warmth is spread.

No grand display, no herald's call,
Just simple deeds, both great and small,
That lift the spirit, heal the heart,
And from our lives, won't soon depart.

So, let us share this priceless art,
With open hands and open heart,
For kindness, in its purest form,
Is love’s embrace, both soft and warm.

© faintest_pen