

A Prayer (Free Verse)
I look up to the sky above,
and shake my head.
I look down at the ground below,
and scowl.

Lord, I need your help.
Satan, begone.
I have been so clouded in judgment,
with walls between me and others.

I had grown bitter, and angry at myself.
I let that result in lashing out at the world.
I had everything I could ever desire,
and I see that clearly now.

Though, by now I have failed.
I have turned a heart cold and scared to trust,
and I don't know how to get through to her.
I look back, up above, please help me.

Help me get through to her,
my son deserves a complete family.
My son needs me there, not just periodically.

I know it's in your hands always,
and that you have a plan.
I beg of you,
please please please,
soften her heart to listen and trust me.

I don't deserve it,
and you know all that I need.
But please, for my son,
help me.