

moved on
I can't stand these double standards your steady stabbing at me when my backs turned,
Said your only getting Sadder and I'm only getting madder
Countinoisly fighting trying to climb up this latter,
Getting to that point like does it even matter,
Like a never-ending pattern we both just keep throwing daggers,
But never have a slapped her night have grabbed her,
But if you wanna go deeper she may be a little emotionally battered,
But I'm not the factor of that factor,
She had scars way before I ever had her.
But so did I both broken and fractured,
Made of glass easily shattered.
Keep adding more shards its getting harder to gather,
But what's another torn page in this damaged chapter.
Trying to sound out the cries with laughter,
Our beautiful creation turned to a disaster,
No more slow motion everything's going faster.
So much for a happily ever after
I guess forever meant never blame it on my temper,
Keep beating each other down hearts getting tender.
One another's Soul we both stole,
Hands we use to hold are starting to feel cold.
This game is like poker and it's getting old,
I know your bluffing but still I want to fold.
Cuz were moving slower then we ever have before,
Wanted to sail life's ocean but haven't left the shore.
Regardless of it all its you I still adore,
Missing what I once saw I don't know what were fighting for.
I'm not quite sure to be perfectly honest,
Same shit everyday and I'm just exhausted,
You keep rocking the boat and I'm getting nauseous,
Baseball in my through and I feel like I'm about to vomit.
Definition of insanity that's what we've become,
Keep doing the same thing but expecting a different outcome,
Hoping to find what we once loved,
When it's already dead and were both holding a gun.
This isn't on you and this isn't on me I put the blame on greed,
And the fact we only care about our own selfish needs,
Us talking it out contains nothing but sporadic emotions and broken speech,
Thinking I can't stand the other but would fall apart if they leave.
Quick to pull our tongues trigger and lie through our teeth,
Grow bitter and bitter as we watch each other bleed,
Best thing we do is agree to disagree,
But when will we Accept this is defeat.
Just keep saying one more time we just have to believe,
That we can make it through anything and live out this dream.
But can apologies even begin to stitch this back together,
I know there is much more love but the hurt is all I remember,
But I cant win this war I'm waving my flag I surrender,
Doesn't it make more sense to stop now before we destroy each other forever.
And then after destroyed build eachother back up to place,
Restored a new but never the same.
Something has changed one to many times,
Yet we both still have our pride and are to good at telling a lie,
Just want the downs to divide and the ups to rise,
Instead the ups die and the downs multiply.
Began side by side now we're both on separate roads,
Together we could fly but now we just slide down this slope cuz we're all alone,
Looking for the others clone in somebody we don't know,
Hoping a similarity will show so we can have deja'vu of the old.
Trying to let go of the grasp of the past that we wish we never grabbed,
But keep getting slapped with the fact that we have nothing like we had and would give anything to have it all back.
But we can't and that's the truth we don't wanna believe,
Our fantasy of immortality replaced by two heart casualties.
I wish I could just quit with this relationship,
But it'll never be done forever Corrupted our innocence,
Cuz without you my balance is off you fucked up my laws of physics would have ended it a along time ago if I didn't care wish I could flip my humanity switch.
But I guess I give a lot more fucks then you and I both think,
Daydreaming of us being something more then I blinked.
And you transformed into a hole so now all I do is drink,
And sink into my memories of what we had before but that's all extinct.
But yet we carry on no matter how crippled
with all our carry on's try to make things better but it's never that simple.
Slandering words to the other we just use as kindle
To the wildfire of bullshit and we're both in the middle.
It's so bad but for some reason it's something we can tolerate,
Will it finally cool down or escalate,
The only one I hate to love but love to hate,
Maybe we were meant to teach each other then Go our separate ways.
Maybe that's the plan maybe that's our real fate.
Cuz at the end of the each day I feel I've had all I can take.
But keep giving even tho I'm sure the effort is irrelevant,
Could of diverted this hole instead i fell in it.
And keep falling out of love no longer in it,
To much honesty we keep hidden cuz none of it is given,
But you still try to act like it's what I've been getting,
I'm just going off of the way you act right but yes you are very different.
Not in a positive sence and when I say it I don't have good intent,
So with no due respect I need to step,
Away from this mess of stress that pulled us down to the darkest dephs until we had nothing left,
Never thought it would be said but I fucking quit
I'm done with all of it hope that your proud of it,
Maybe one day you'll regain consciousness and take ownership of everything that you contradict,
Still can't believe I couldn't see something so obvious I guess these scars and regrets are what I had to collect,
Just a cause to an effect for me not being prepared when I finally met your silhouette.
An essence of innocence was just a smokescreen to teach me how to be ignorant and steer me away from the truth that you kept,
Insulted my intellect and now it's time to disconnect,
That beat in my chest you caused its death,
Never will it be you again that I want to Impress no longer will you steal my breath cuz all you ever did was deal me stress.
Tore my soul to shreds and left me for dead.
Yet my head you continue to infest,.
I never get rest cuz now i can't trust anyone everyone I second guess and to this day I feel honesty I still don't get.
Injected skepticism into me and lies were the needle,
It's funny out of all my relationships this one keeps killing me but I had to leave you,
Couldn't keep you I didn't really need you never will there be another sequel,
don't know if your mad or evil or if your all just equals but you can keep being you and leave me be with my people.
I feel so stupid strangled with the bow of the anti cupid,
So ruthless and you knew it actually you induced it,
I refuse to show you that I'm ruined but I'm in ruins,
I guess this is the aftermath of that spark we had before you doused me in fluid.