

I no longer want you
I no longer want you.
No matter the conversation,
no matter how long or short ,
it was,
I feel low after ,
I fall,
my brain can't make sense.

You don't want me,
yet you speak to me.
Acting like I am some old toy,
you just found.

I no longer need you.
I am free.

it's strange,
you were my everything
but was I ever yours.
Was I ever truly the person you,
or was I the only one there,
to love you .

I no longer want you.
I have found my peace.
I have a new love,
I dance,
I laugh,
I am me.

I will never love you like that again,
I still love you though.
You will always be with me,
in my broken heart.
You were my first,
my first kiss ,
my first love,
The person who I wanted forever.
And for that,
I thank you.


I no longer want you.

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