

I was startled
I was scared
I felt intimidated
I felt inferior
I was devastated
I was doomed
Would I ever see sunshine?
Would I ever feel joy?
Would I ever feel the atmosphere?
Would I ever see light again?
Am I to live in pity?
Am I to live in sorrow?
Am I to live with no joy?
Am I to live with no hope?
All my dreams crashed,
All my hope lost,
All my goals destroyed
I have no purpose,
I have no dreams,
I have no joy,
I have no hope,
I have no target,
But I can still face it,
I can deal with it,
I can fight it,
Every problem should not be left unsolved
Every goal should not be left unachieved
Every target should not be left unaimed
Every work should not be left unfinished
Every battle should not be left unsettled
I might have been broken but I can still function
I might have been decieved but I still believe
I might have been crushed but I can still work
This not the end of me
This is the beginning
I need to be strong to fight my fears
I can do it
lt doesn't matter the loses, heartbreaks, deceits,fears
I shall not lose to failure
I shall never lose to MY DARKEST HOUR
I wasn't born to be a loser.....
© Dr Khushi