

Let me build a home in your heart
Where I'll lay when everything weighs me down and find the peace my heart longs for
Let your smile make my day for as long as I can live
And let it be my motivation behind all

Whisper the words 'Be mine till forever ' in my ears
So that they be my new fav song that will forever be on repeat when loneliness knocks
You came as everything I needed
In a very good time when I needed
If anybody asked me to define perfection,
Your picture will be the first thing on my mind before I can utter these words 'my love'.

In you I found perfection,
I found a home,
I found peace
And I found a soulmate.
My soul longs for you even in your absence,

At times when I imagine my life without you,
I find tears rolling down my cheeks,
Because there will be no 'my life' without you
You are all that I prayed for,
And for that, I'll always be greatful.

Each time when doubt develops,
Each time when I question your love for me,
Your beautiful eyes gives me all the answers,
Screaming silently the words 'I am yours and yours only'

Dear Lover,
I am yours,
And yours only.
© Thato Mangwegape