

I am not a racist
I am not a racist

Absolutely not

I am a honest Christian

Like to learn to read

Respect all color

Travel ants ball __ hurt individual with the power of their country's crowd

Trying to dominate hero 's fence and land

When pawn are ganging up into travel ants ball

Their power can target at any employee or orientation hiring field

Work opportunities become into gangster 's benefit

__ reverse racist

Gangster organizer kicked me out

By carribian trick

I am a yellow honest Christian love America hero

Mealfeance power refused me say' good by ' to those hero seniors I served!

When a Caucasian resident told me she will call police come to listen what she suffered from a very mean Haidi female caregiver ( 95 percent of care giver and nurse come from one country as border crosser)

Why the mean care giver got protect after those gangster against __freedom speech

Against senior 's right

I listened to senior resident

I got a fire? Mean Heidi woman got protect?

Why middle class manager D used 'call police' to threaten me when I say good by to those senior

But when a senior's ask police come

This manager D won't call police for this complaining senior?

South America travel ants ball system

Controlled different field of America department or institutions

All employee and working opportunity there

In that building

It is an easy way to

persecute honest sound righous employee and America patriot


Travel ants ball

threw their shit into honest Christian and Catherine

So easy

___They have enough gang up pawn and member

They need to control honest sound of this land

From their south America

While south America gangster organizer planted their root into America city enforcement or institution or inn USA enterprise...

Wise eyes know

America potential traitor's pawn

Could reverse racist

Then could use it

Provoking America security from inside

Then throwing shit into America righous patriot

Englewooter citizen

If you suffered same thing

Defamed your good reputation

That is gangster pawn organizer ( Marxist ghost ) scare of righous citizen and honesty from Jesus Christ

Why it happened

Why you feel be wrong treated

Opened a security gate of any country in this globe

Population structure will be changed by artificial method

A small poet speaks for weakness population race ethic ___ America Caucasian enthic

I don't want junior be targeting like me

I don't want innocent kids be instigated to be fooled

By carribian trick

What ever their skins color

Any of them

Any American patriot

Don't want to see

Reversed racist trending planted seeds in America

Target at freedom

Hurt __ we the people and statue of liberty

It is holy spirit of God

Guide the conscience of a small Christian