

Shadowed By Dark Company
do I believe in the unknown?
yes. let me ask you now, do you believe in the unknown? ...

I ignored all the signs because I wanted peace of mind, I couldn't catch a breath of air at times, my throat felt hard to swallow and hard to speak I swear, she was tempted to throttle him. I knew it didn't make any sense, how could he be sitting there stiff as he was not moving dazing off into the other side of the world? before that there was already a war in place I had no breakfast, no sleep, no time to pray, & I much as felt like I was dieing inside but his soul was ripped out. that is not the man I knew, I see my little girl so excited we were at the horseback ranch resort you must have heard of it, running toward the pool and Im yelling so loud and to my corner this manican just like it sitting watching as she drowned no safe guard to be found the sight was planned for death which is why I live observing, this was a mess and I'm a mother who will do anything for my kid. the lord had me in a calm place although my mind was running wild and quit frank I was terrified not of the situation but of who was trying to set me up. these dark shadows come in announced and un invited but I have a group of angels who fight for me. As I dig and reach half my arms and half my body I managed to save a life my daughter's life. This man I loved did nothing to save her. trust me he wasn't in shock read poem one to understand what happen before that night. My God, I have seen, I have heard the devil. I am a voice for all to be eager to love you. your unfailing love will protect those who believe in you. Bless be your name Jesus. This is something to be greatful for today. What are you greatful for?
© Aura Dej