

In my case; "You're COLOUR BLIND"
Can you Despise someone you Love?
Morally: NO
But how come you never noticed,
I'm drowning in tears on the other side of our bed.

I am a Hollow person,
you'll think, I've used you,
I've put my sadness above you love,
Have I?
Then how come I'm still alive
counting each breath
and you're still on the other side of our bed sleeping peacefully thinking "I'm fine".

How come you didn't see these eyes
that are turning into Dry valleys,
and plain walls are my new allies.

How come everytime
I tried to swim out of the ocean
you never cared to send a boat,
but now I'm stuck in a Dead Sea
I've quit trying,I just float.

You said you could see through me,
You said you could read my mind,
then how come you don't see
I'm covered all in blood?
oh! I forgot in my case
You're Colour-Blind.

© VanS