

I am terrified by time
Before I know it, I learned to say words
I gained consciousness, and I was a little kid
It felt fast and slow at the same time
I cannot explain it
Tic tac, tic tac, tic tac
A while ago, I was just writing the first line
And now, I am writing this part
Crazy how the moment already passed by
Without realizing, it already had been a year
And I am reading this, feeling nostalgic
No matter what, I cannot go back
Am I supposed to be writing this at this time?
Or am I supposed to be studying?
Am I supposed to be drawing?
Or am I supposed to try and make friends?
I want to know why I'm here
The reason why I exist?
There's so many people,
And a lot happens every moment
Tic tac, tic tac, tic tac
Every second I type the letters here
Someone's crying, someone's joyful
Someone's giving birth, someone's grieving
Thinking about that, I realized time is different for everyone
Sometimes it's fast, sometimes it's slow
It depends on the situation maybe
Tic tac, tic tac, tic tac
And before I realize it, I'm already an old lady
Sitting on a couch, and feeling lonely
Staring at the things inside my house,
Thinking what's after death, since I am close to it
Tic tac tic tac tic tac
Maybe I wasn't scared of time at all
It is the future that I am scared
It is the forgotten memories that I am scared
It is death that I am scared of
The reason why I am terrified of time,
Is because I am afraid of dying,
And I'll regret the things I didn't do,
I'll wish to be at that time again,
Thinking what I could've done
But nothing will happen, but the time to pass by.

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