

Friend to stranger
A bright face with glowing eyes,
walking with me all the way,
Just like me as everyone says,
The treasure I found,
My life got crowned,
We two like a happy home,
Where I wish to dwell alone,

Was all just a mere coincidence,
Mismatching the present for the past,
Longing to hear a final goodbye,
Is there any fault?
Was our bond so weak,
Why does it break so quickly?

In my desolate garden,
Wishing you to stay evergreen,
A Voice of yours echoed everywhere,
Holding a beautiful flower adorned with thrones,
Pricking me right in my heart,
Hope the moments with you just drip along with the blood,

Darning the memories with you,
A handmade elegant gown,
Wearing it just to mourn,

Believed that I was you,
But I was like a shadow, that disappears as you walk into the dark,

Become one of million stars in the sky,
I look upon every day,
And just move on.

© silent_soul