

he's in the kingdom they say
screams say get back
but they all sworm to him
he yells his loudest yell
like he knew his demons had come for him
they rush to him
and one says get him on the floor
face first they smash his head on the floor
a man rushes over with a hammer
he turns his face in immense pain
as he looks up the men disappear
all that magic he has must really be working
he prays to his god Osiris
Osiris have you forsaken me he cries
but no Osiris to answer
Apollo does answer his call he thought
he runs to his alter to make a offering
and as he does thhe men he hears
i see you sunny and we will never leave you alone
so make your offerings
as he looks up to tell themoff
there comes Osiris his golden armor
to be continued
© aw